Please note that these CD campaign pages have been frozen as of 14-1-2005, and will not be updated for the time being. However, they will still remain here as an information resource for people still encountering problems with their CDs. |
  Corrupt audio discs, aka "Copy-Protected CDs"Home | Quick Summary | Web Buttons | Retailer Policies | Action Reports | Our Research | Links + Background Reading | Help us find Bad CDs | Known Bad CDs | Warning Labels | For Leafletting Volunteers | Contact
Our Research, and other Documents and Articles Here are articles and other documents that we have written
- A report on the permanent
damage that is being caused to equipment by playing "copy
controlled CDs", and the article on
Kuro5hin that followed from it.
- An updated CD leaflet based on our Quick Summary page for the
Summer-2003 LinuxUserExpo. Available as: PDF-A4, PDF-2xA5 and PS-A4.
- Our call for EMI to
completely abandon "Copy-Control" technology. This article also
reveals some of the industry's underhand tactics and introduces our
'online retailer' campaign.
- A translation of a
consumer's exchange with EMI Germany, illustrating the
German/European situation and the strength of feeling around it, with
some commentary. This situation is to be avoided in the UK/US if at
all possible.
- A summary of reports on the
Celine Dion album's copy-protection, and other similar Sony
- Jim Peters' article, an overview of the CD copy-protection issue, and how it fits into the bigger picture of the EUCD, DMCA and SSSCA laws
- A detailed report from the
Netherlands on experiences with "Dance Train 2002 vol 3", a Cactus-200
corrupted release
- An interview
with Corey Moss, MTVi, 28-Nov-2001
- A slightly toned-down CD-issue leaflet for sticking up on
noticeboards, leaving in hi-fi shops, bars, internet cafes, or
whatever. Formats: PDF-A4, PDF-2xA5, PS-A4, PS-2xA5, and a plain-text version
in case anyone wishes to adapt it for a campaign in another
- A letter to
Trading Standards Birmingham, 14-Nov-2001.
- A summary of reports on the
Natalie Imbruglia CD's copy-protection
- The original leaflet as distributed on 6-Oct-2001, in several
formats: PDF-A4, PDF-2xA5, PS-A4, and PS-2xA5. For those
people who wanted to use the text as a basis for leaflets to use
elsewhere, there are also a simple HTML and a plain-text versions.
- Dan Ackroyd's in-depth investigation of the Charley Pride CD's copy-protection
- Feedback from an unnamed BBC engineer regarding copy-protected CDs
- The original E-mail we sent out to gather support for the CD campaign
Here are some interesting comments that have come up on the
mailing list or various forums:
- The record industry might be in trouble, but should we really
protect them with changes to the law? Commentary HERE
- Someone on the Heise (Germany) forum counters
music industry propaganda.
- Also check out the mailing list archives (see "Mailing lists" in
left bar). Most of the issues have been thrashed to death on the
list, several times over.