Campaign for Digital Rights
Buying a new CD? Watch out for inferior imitations Monday October 21, 2024

Please note that these CD campaign pages have been frozen as of 14-1-2005, and will not be updated for the time being. However, they will still remain here as an information resource for people still encountering problems with their CDs.

corrupt disc, inferior audiocorrupt disc, inferior audio

Corrupt audio discs, aka "Copy-Protected CDs"

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For Leafletting Volunteers

Home | Guidelines | Local contacts

These pages contain information useful to leafletters. Our last big day of leafletting was 6-Oct-2001, with a few bits of local leafletting since then as people have found the time and inclination. However, if we decide on another big leafletting day, these pages will once again come into action. The guidelines for leafletters will be useful in any case, and for other types of leafletting too.

In addition to the leaflet mentioned below, there is also a new slightly toned-down CD-issue leaflet which might be useful for sticking up on noticeboards, leaving in hi-fi shops, bars, internet cafes, or whatever. Formats: PDF-A4, PDF-2xA5, PS-A4, PS-2xA5, and plain-text.

The rest of this page reflects the leafletting from the 6th.

NEWS: We've set a new date for the leafletting campaign, Saturday 6th October 2001 (I put the 7th on some messages - apologies for that). If the current international situation escalates significantly in the preceding week, we might have to call it off again, but I sincerely hope not.

If you didn't come here via the E-mail sent out a week or so ago, it would be useful if you READ IT NOW to get up to speed on the background of this leafletting campaign.

Leaflets and other materials

We have two A5 flyers. The main one for this campaign is the one related to the new corrupted CDs being distributed by the record companies (this has now been updated to cover recent changes). There is also a flyer on the EUCD that can be printed on the other side of the sheet to make people aware of the wider issues. We also have some guidelines for leafletters to help things go as smoothly as possible on Saturday 6th.

CD flyer, 2up (2xA5 on A4, as preferred by some copy-shops)
CD flyer, A4 format (will need reducing to A5)
CD flyer, 2up, PostScript version
CD flyer, A4, PostScript version
plus CD flyer plain text and HTML versions
EUCD informational flyer, 2up

Local contacts for leafletting

Since many people might be considering leafletting the same area independently, I have set up a page of contact information to help these people get in touch with one another and pool their resources. If you are planning to do some leafletting in your local area, please let me have your details so that I can add them. I need:

  • The locality you plan to leaflet
  • Your name, or the name of your group
  • Contact details (either an E-mail address or phone number, or both)

E-mail these details to me at this E-mail address. Once your plans are firmer, let me know where you are planning to meet, and at what time, and I'll post that information as well so that even people who hear about it at the last minute can still turn up and help out.

Also E-mail me if you have any problems with any of the above files, or if you have any other ideas that might be useful.

After the day itself, it would be good if you could let me know how things went - how many people you had leafletting, and how many leaflets you handed out - and I'll compile the results to post to the CDR list. There is nothing more impressive than statistics, right ?

Thanks for your time, and best of luck !