Campaign for Digital Rights
Buying a new CD? Watch out for inferior imitations Friday February 21, 2025

A lot of people are dissatisfied with the direction that copyright law is taking in the UK, following the DMCA in the US. If you are one of them, we present a few suggestions for constructive action you can take.

Whatever you do, don't just sit on the sidelines and grumble that there's nothing you can do. One person on their own can rarely make a difference, but if we do things together, we can change things!

  • Spread the word about CDR in three easy ways!

  • Write to your MP. He or she decides what the public thinks is important from what they hear and read. Let them hear your voice.

  • Take part in the debate. Your experiences give direction to the campaign; we have found that almost all of the useful information we get comes from private contacts. Again, the mailing list is open to everyone.

  • Donate money. At the moment, we only accept cheques in pounds sterling, which should be made payable to the Campaign for Digital Rights Association, and posted to:

    Campaign for Digital Rights Association
    Conduit Head Rd
    Cambridge CB3 0EY
  • Become a member. Becoming a member of CDR gives you a formal say in how we are run, at the Annual General Meeting. Membership costs £10. To join, please email with your name and address.

  • Finally, if you can help in person please contact us. There is always more we could do! We're particularly interested in people willing to:

  • Run a local branch of CDR
  • Recruit other people
  • Advertise CDR
  • Raise funds for CDR
  • Keep an eye out for new things that we should be concerned about
  • Find contacts in relevant areas of government