Unfortunately, our data is supplied by another company (as is the case with most CD shops), and, as yet it does not include information on any copy-protection or DRM measures on a disc. We are a small company, and I'm afraid we do not currently have the time or resources to manually check all 100,000 items on our system, especially since we can't tell if they are copy protected unless we have the CD in stock ( and sometimes, it's not even marked on the disc). In fact, the record companies own databases do not include this information. I would refer you to www.bmgcatalogue.co.uk where you can check out BMG's own data. We can only sell the goods that are supplied, and given the amount of resources record companies have thrown at this, copy-protection is unlikely to go away anytime soon. On the bright side, they now realise that people do have legitimate reasons for playing music on PCs. At least they're trying to make them playable on PCs. Hopefully this will actually be workable in the future. As always, if customers do have problems playing any disc, we are happy to help in any way we can - including trying to source titles from different suppliers (although if a title is copy-protected in one version, it's often the same in other versions) , or refunding the cost of the item (if it's returned within a reasonable time, obviously). So far, I am not aware of any reported problems of this nature. However, our sales team would be happy to check any title in stock to make sure it plays in a PC before you place an order. Regards, Michael p.s. just to clear up something on your information page: Returning a disc to a shop isn't going to show up on any record company stats. Basically, they only authorise returns of faulty goods if they agree it's faulty, which obviously they wouldn't in this case. - - - - - - - - - - - - CD999.COM / REIDYS.COM - - - - - - - - - - Reidy's Home of Music . 9-13 Penny St, Blackburn . 0870 744 5101 - - - - - - - - - - CD's DVD's and musical instruments - - - - - - - - -